International Expressive Arts Spring Symposium 2011

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E por querer aqui partilhar um pouco deste espaço...tomei a liberdade de retirar um excerto de Stephen K. Levine, publicado no site do symposium. Um excerto que tem o potencial de ser  (creio) a metáfora deste espaço de viagens. Tomo a liberdade de a transcrever aqui, sublinhando a sugestão da visita ao site artshaping
"In Federico Fellini’s film, And the Ship Sails On, a community of artists travel to a remote island to scatter the ashes of a beloved opera star. Unknown to the passengers, a love-sick rhinoceros lies in the hold of the ship. When the vessel finally sinks after an enemy attack, the narrator is left alone in a lifeboat with the rhino. He turns to the audience and asks, “Did you know that a rhinoceros gives very good milk?” 

The arts can carry us to distant shores to mourn and also to celebrate. In difficult times, we can be sure that the ship of the arts will sail on, a lifeboat for all of us – and for a little bit of absurdity too. We hope to find very good milk as well. Stephen K. Levine"  

...e termino endereçando umas palavras do Bernardo Soares, no Livro do Desassossego, à Carla em tom de agradecimento pela partilha..."Sim, a arte mora na mesma rua que a vida, porém num lugar diferente".